Behavioral Health Services Modular Office

The Challenge

A behavioral health services system in Saluda, South Carolina needed a versatile and efficient solution to accommodate their growing staff and client needs. They required a 1400 sq ft office building that included private office spaces for staff, a large group room, a dedicated area for file storage, and a room compliant with Uniform Data System (UDS) requirements, all while ensuring quick installation to minimize disruption to their services.

The Solution

Modular Genius provided a 1400 sq ft modular office building that met all the specified needs of the behavioral health services system. The building featured three private offices for confidential consultations, a versatile group room, a file room for secure storage of records, a single-occupant restroom, and a UDS collect room compliant with federal data reporting standards. The modular solution ensured rapid deployment and installation, adhering to local building codes and healthcare facility regulations, allowing the health service company to continue their important work with minimal downtime.

A Case Study

Behavioral Health Services Modular Office


Case Studies