International Airport Modular Office Facility

The Challenge

The Federal Aviation Administration currently owns and operates an Air Traffic Control Tower and Terminal Radar Approach Control Facility at Philadelphia International Airport. The FAA was looking to purchase approximately 6,500 sq. ft. of modular office space to expand their offices to accommodate new employees. The FAA requested that the new modular office building include private and shared offices, a break room, a conference room, study rooms, open areas, restrooms, and gym space.

The Solution

Modular Genius, Inc. designed and built a 3,360 sq. ft. modular office and classroom space and a 320 sq. ft. fitness center. The modular office buildings feature private and shared offices, a break room, a conference room, study rooms, open areas, and restrooms. The modular building also features ADA compliant ramps and steps, an automatic fire suppression system, and cipher and keys locks. The project was built, delivered, and installed to meet the FAA’s expectations.

A Case Study

International Airport Modular Office Facility


Case Studies