
Celebrating Women in Construction Week 2024: Interviews at Modular Genius

As Women in Construction Week unfolds, we take pride in turning the spotlight onto the remarkable women who contribute to the success of Modular Genius. In this special blog, we sit down with the talented women who drive our modular construction projects forward.
Celebrating Women in Construction Week 2024: Interviews at Modular Genius

Start Planning Your Construction Project Now: Modular Classrooms for School Expansion

It’s that time of year again, where the days are slowly getting longer, and the first of the spring flowers are beginning to bloom. With the change in seasons marks a pivotal time for schools to assess and address their building space needs. Whether due to aging facilities, increasing enrollments, or the push for modern, [...]
Start Planning Your Construction Project Now: Modular Classrooms for School Expansion

Modular Dormitories: The Smart Solution to Rising Space Challenges in Education and Beyond

In recent years, colleges and universities have faced an unprecedented challenge: housing for student overcrowding. With an influx of student enrollment and outdated facilities, some colleges have resorted to unconventional methods, such as housing students in hotels. However, a new trend is emerging as a bright solution: modular building construction. Student Enrollment is Surging. Here’s [...]
Modular Dormitories: The Smart Solution to Rising Space Challenges in Education and Beyond